Crystal Chiang

Crystal Chiang is the Executive Director of Messaging and Leadership Training at Orange. Before joining the team in Atlanta, she spent 10 years as a high school Spanish teacher and student ministry leader, doing everything from small groups to speaking to curriculum design.

She is the author of Starting Now: Thirty Days to Becoming Who You Want to Be in College, The Art of Group Talk for teenage girls, and a  key contributor to a number of Orange publications. Crystal and her husband, Tom, live in Atlanta, GA with their daughter, Story





  1. Small group leader training

  2. Parent influence

  3. Adolescent development


  1. Identity

  2. Seeking wisdom/mentors

  3. Fear & future

“I’ve heard Crystal speak a handful of times and every time I find myself thinking, ‘Dang! She’s good!’ She has great content, she’s engaging, warm, fun, challenging, and easy to listen to. I’m impressed! I highly recommend her!”

Doug Fields | Youth Specialties